Monday, February 13, 2012

DTN News: Al-Qaeda Top Stories / Headlines News Dated February 13, 2012

Asia News Report: DTN News: Al-Qaeda Top Stories / Headlines News  Dated February 13, 2012
 Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable media
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - February 13, 2012: Comprehensive daily news related to Al-Qaeda Top Stories / Headlines News  for the world of TODAY.
*Comprehensive daily news related on Al-Qaeda Top Stories / Headlines News  for the world of TODAY
Suspected Bali bomber said to be key link to Al-Qaeda
Channel News Asia
He is a suspected key member of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), a Southeast Asian terror network linked toAl-Qaeda. Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro has cited intelligence that Patek tried to meet Osama bin Laden in the Pakistani town of ...
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Pakistani Taliban decry attacks against military
Pakistan Daily Times
PESHAWAR: Terrorists have called on fighters to honour an agreement not to attack the Pakistanimilitary in the most important sanctuary for the Taliban and al Qaeda along the Afghan border.Terrorists have long used North Waziristan as a base to ...
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Implications of an Al Qaeda Syria
ABC Online
Claims by US sources that Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden's heir in thePakistani/Afghani-based Al Qaeda prime, personally oversaw the operation against Aleppo also seem out of character for AQI's previous track record. Following the 2001 invasion ...
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ABC Online
Osama Bin Laden told children to move to the West
Daily Mail
Zakaria al-Sadah, whose sister is the fifth wife of the Al-Qaeda leader, said Bin Laden did not want his children and grandchildren following in the same path of terrorism like him. 'He told his own children and grandchildren, go to Europe and America ...
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Daily Mail
Al-Qaeda has no direct terror role in India: Intelligence agencies
The Asian Age
An elaborate security review by the top intelligence and security establishment conducted over the last one week has not found any credible evidence of the Al Qaeda's direct involvement in sponsoring terror activities in the country.
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Radical cleric Anwar Awlaki said to have directed underwear bomber terror plot
Supplemental Factual Appendix documentation in the Justice Department's memo details Abdulmutallab's interactions with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninusla (AQAP) terrorists in the months leading up to his attack on Northwest Flight 253.
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Qaeda-linked Patek to stand trial in Indonesia
Emirates 24/7
He was extradited to Indonesia after being arrested in January 2011 in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad, where US commandos later killed Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in a raid. Counter-terrorism officials would not confirm whether Patek had met bin ...
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Al Qaeda terrorist dad sent to jail for 4 1/2 years
New York Daily News
BY JOHN MARZULLI THE FATHER of Al Qaeda terrorist Najibullah Zazi was sentenced Friday to 4 1/2 years in prison for obstructing the probe of his son's plan to detonate bombs in Manhattan subway trains. Mohammed Wali Zazi was convicted last summer by a ...
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New York Daily News
BOOK REVIEW: 'The Al Qaeda Factor'
Washington Times
By Joshua Sinai - Special to The Washington Times By Mitchell D. Silber In “The Al Qaeda Factor,” Mitchell D. Silber investigates the extent to which al Qaeda's “core” in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region has been involved in organizing terrorist plots ...
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Washington Times
Al-Shabab, Al Qaeda: Linkup of groups in decline?
Fox News
NAIROBI, Kenya -- Al Qaeda's decision to formally extend its terror franchise to what once was a nationalist movement in Somalia may only be a desperate joining of hands to prop up two militant groups that are both losing popular support and facing ...
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Drones will not rid Pakistan of the terrorists
The Voice of Russia
Within al-Qaeda Badr Mansoor as well as Ilyas Kashmiri before him was responsible for the military training of extremists in Pakistan, who were later transferred to Afghanistan for terrorist attacks against the NATO forces. Among the terrorists killed...
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The Voice of Russia
Britons jailed over terrorist plots
Sydney Morning Herald
A BRITISH judge has sent nine men to prison for al-Qaeda-inspired plots to bomb the London Stock Exchange and to set up a terrorist training camp. The Britons all pleaded guilty last week as their trial was due to begin at London's Woolwich Crown Court ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Abu Qatada: the evil let loose on our streets
In reality, Qatada is listed on the consolidated United Nations list of internationalterrorists under “Al-Qaeda Associates”. Although British judges decided he could be deported to Jordan, they were overruled by their counterparts in Strasbourg.
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Umar Patek Bali bombings accused on trial Monday
Channel News Asia
Umar was captured only in January last year in Abbotabad, Pakistan - the same city where Al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden, was killed by US soldiers. But terrorism experts following Umar Pateks' trial are looking beyond what took place in Bali more ...
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The LWOT: Chicago cab driver pleads guilty to material support charge - by ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
BY JENNIFER ROWLAND | FEBRUARY 10, 2012 A Pakistani-American Chicago cab driver, Raja Lahrasib Khan, pleaded guilty on February 6 to one count of attempting to provide material support toterrorism for attempting to send money to Pakistan-based ...
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Feds release new details on 'underwear bomber' and top Al Qaeda figure ...
Fox News
DETROIT – A Nigerian who pleaded guilty to trying to blow up a Detroit-bound plane began his path to terrorism with a text message from a top Al Qaeda figure in Yemen, the US government said Friday in a court filing that discloses new details about ...
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U.S. Officials: Al Qaeda in Iraq Behind Deadly Bombings in Damascus and Aleppo ...
However, the expansion of al Qaeda in Iraq beyond that state's borders – evidently for the first time – demonstrates AQI's strength in Iraq's post-America phase. Despite years of hunting terror cells and individuals within AQI, the US was not only ...
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*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable media sources 
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News 

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